Honey and Allergy
Science or Myth?

What's the relationship between honey and allergy? After all, doesn't pollen trigger allergies?

It may seem odd that pollen often triggers allergies, but pollen in honey usually has the opposite effect. Can eating honey relieve allergic symptoms, or is this just an urban myth?

I have heard of many cases of people living in my area who have successfully treated themselves using honey. The anecdotal evidence is convincing. The logic stacks up too.

You see, honeybees are an essential part of a healthy agricultural economy. Approximately one half of the human diet is derived directly or indirectly from crops pollinated by bees.

When you eat honey local to your area, it may prevent seasonal allergies. Bees use the pollen from local plants and eventually it ends up in your honey.

In honey, the allergens are delivered in small, manageable doses and the effect over time is very much like that from undergoing a whole series of allergy immunology injections. The major difference though is that the honey is a lot easier to take and it is certainly a lot less expensive.

This allergy relief effect is best seen when the honey used was raised close to where you live; the closer the better since it will have more of exactly what you’ll need.

Seek out all natural honey in your local marketplace. Benefit from its uses on, as well as in, your body.

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