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The skincare benefits of honey have been prized throughout the centuries. Raw honey, especially, contains high levels of vitamins and minerals as well as the life-giving amino acids.
For acne sufferers, unprocessed honey offers two advantages: it is a powerful antibacterial agent, and it does not cause unpleasant side effects such as dry skin, itchy skin or allergy.
Pimples are small skin lesions or inflammations commonly arising from clogged or infected pores. They are not caused by the foods you eat (such as chocolate, soft drinks or greasy foods) or by dirt (blackheads are caused by a pigment, not dirt). The common culprit is bacteria.
Bacteria collects in dead skin cells and oil in the pores and grows, creating pimples that can be painful. Fortunately, honey is a proven antibacterial agent. However cbetteare must be taken to select the right honey.
A 2008 honey and acne study conducted by University of Amsterdam explained:
Antibiotic resistance among microbes urgently necessitates the development of novel antimicrobial agents.
Since ancient times, honey has been used successfully for treatment of infected wounds, because of its antibacterial activity.
However, large variations in the in vitro antibacterial activity of various honeys have been reported and hamper its acceptance in modern medicine.
The researchers investigated the antibacterial capability of medical grade honey (Revamil) for reducing forearm skin colonization. They tested honey on bacteria strains such as Bacillus subtilis and other antibiotic resistant strains.
The result is highly impressive. These bacteria were killed within 24 hours by 10% to 40% of honey. After 2 days, forearm skin colonization of the participants reduced by 100 times. The researchers concluded:
Revamil is a promising topical antimicrobial agent for prevention or treatment of infections, including those caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria.
So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a high quality honey and start treating yourself at home now. For further information about how honey can further benefit your skin, read
Honey Skin Care Benefits - Tips for Mask and Wrinkles Removal
Kwakman PH, Van den Akker JP, Güçlü A, Aslami H, Binnekade JM, de Boer L, Boszhard L, Paulus F, Middelhoek P, te Velde AA, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CM, Schultz MJ, Zaat SA (2008). Medical-grade honey kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria in vitro and eradicates skin colonization. Clin Infect Dis. 2008 Jun 1;46(11):1677-82.
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