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If you are trying to lose weight, it is easy to be tempted by the promises of the various weight loss products out there. There are numerous herbal teas available that purport to be “slimming.” Most are not worth the money.
Permanent weight loss is usually associated with either muscle gain or fat loss. Many slimming teas are diuretic and laxative. They cause water loss and reduce fluid retention, but do not cause fat loss. When purchasing these teas, it's a case of “buyer beware!”
Some herbal slimming teas, such as those that contain senna or other laxative herbs, can even cause harm if you use them long-term.
In this article, we will look at a couple of the most popular slimming teas to see if we can find any exceptions.
Herbal Slimming Tea #1:
Pretty Lotus Extra Strength Noni Dieters' Drink Caffeine Free Herbal Tea (20 Tea Bags)
Probably not. Let's look at the ingredients to see what benefits, or lack thereof, they offer:
Noni is the latest “wonder fruit.” Grown throughout Southeast Asia, this plant originated in Tahiti, where it was used as an emergency food in times of famine.
Noni contains a variety of phytochemicals, but according to Wikipedia “Noni research is at a preliminary stage” and “the research remains at best preliminary and too early to conclude anything about human health benefits provided by noni or its juice.”
So, what about traditional uses for noni?
Traditional uses include treatment of fever, constipation, coughs, nausea, colic, and more...but not weight loss.
Noni has some catechins, but good quality green tea has much more. Some research does suggest that noni can increase your endurance for exercising, but as far as weight loss is concerned, it is not likely to help.
Chinese Mallow (Malva Verticellata)
Like senna, this is another potent laxative. Here is what Plants for a Future says about its medicinal properties:
The seed contains mucilage, polysaccharides and flavonoids. It is demulcent, diuretic, emollient, galactogogue and laxative.
The seeds are used in Tibetan medicine, where they are considered to have a sweet and astringent taste plus a heating potency.
They are used in the treatment of renal disorders, the retention of fluids, frequent thirst and diarrhoea.
The root is used to cause vomiting in the treatment of whooping cough. The leaves and stems are said to be digestive. They are given to women in the advanced stages of pregnancy.
One commenter suggested to someone planning on taking this herb, “I would suggest staying within one minute of a bathroom for the first couple of days.” Yikes!
Sweet Tea vine (Gynostemma Pentaphylla)
This is a tonic herb, improving circulation, liver and immune system function. There is no mention of it being used for weight loss or increasing metabolism.
Other ingredients
Persimmon leaf has antioxidants, and mulberry leaf may reduce high blood sugar.
The main ingredient is the Noni juice, and there is no evidence that it can cause weight loss. The other herbs have some laxative and detoxifying effects. There is no evidence this herbal slimming tea can cause permanent weight loss.
Herbal Slimming Tea #2:
Good Earth Slimming Tea
Good Earth Slimming Tea
claims to be based on an ancient Swiss recipe. What is in the ancient Swiss recipe for weight loss? A lot of diuretics. See the list of ingredients below:
Birch Leaf
According to Flora Health, birch leaf is a powerful diuretic and a blood purifier. To quote them:
The leaves of birch trees ... can be used to make a pleasant tasting tea ... as a diuretic used in 'irrigation therapy' for the treatment of bacterial and inflammatory conditions of the lower urinary tract.
Animal experiments have confirmed the strong diuretic effect of the tea and this effect is ascribed to several of the flavonoids found abundantly in the leaves.
The German Commission E monograph also recommends the tea for preventing urinary tract gravel and for treating bone and joint complaints.
Traditionally, the leaf tea was also used as a blood purifier, to prevent hair loss and externally as a wash for skin rashes and complaints and as a hair conditioner.
Goldenrod Herb and Juniper Berries
Both herbs are diuretic.
Lemon Balm
Usually used to soothe digestive complaints such as stomach pains and gas.
Licorice Root
May be used to treat skin issues, coughing, constipation, bronchitis, inflammation, and arthritis.
Fennel seed
Eases indigestion and is a diuretic.
Other Ingredients
Coriander seed is used to improve digestion and to treat loss of appetite. Anise seed improves digestion and increases milk production in pregnant women. Caraway Seed and Peppermint sooth the digestive tract.
This herbal slimming tea is not likely to be harmful, and it certainly won't cause explosive diarrhea like some weight loss products.. You may even lose a few pounds of water weight.
In fact, I would recommend this tea if you are a woman who spends one week out of every month trying to squeeze into jeans that normally fit.
But, for actual, long-term weight loss, this tea will not melt the pounds away. There is nothing in it that would increase your metabolism, and nothing in it that would suppress your appetite.
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