Green Tea Pills/Capsules vs Cup of Tea

by Dianne

Do all green tea pills/capsules contain extracts of green tea?

Does taking a capsule/pill have the same efficacy as a cup of tea?

Is green tea extract present in store-bought individual, flavoured tea bags?


For your first two questions and comparison of tea beverage (i.e. natural tea) versus tea extract supplement, please refer to my article below:

Green Tea Pills or Capsules Versus Cup Of Tea

For your last question, tea bags are generally made from tea dusts,leaves that have been chopped and diced to small pieces. So they don't generally contain tea extract.

All things equal, natural tea is always better than the most perfect artificial tea (even those made from the most excellent tea extracts).

This is because all the minute compounds are present in natural tea, and many scientific studies have found that these little known tea compounds make a difference in improving tea efficiency.

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