Green Tea Guide Free Limited Download
Revealing The Secret Manual

A green tea guide that answers 12 important questions to help you discover your next great tea. Available free for only a limited period.
green tea guide

The Dragon Lady's Secret Manual is a distillation of the best articles from

As you scroll down and click the download link next page, you will discover in one short session 12 little-known facts about green tea:

  • What are the BIG THREE ingredients in green tea that make it such an enchanting beverage?

  • What did a 2004 UK study said about the secrets of quality green tea?

  • What do scientists actually say and do about tea?

  • Why is the second most consumed beverage in the world also an eternal elixir?

  • Why can drinking tea can help you regain your curvy shape?

  • Health warnings that every beginning tea drinker should read before starting a tea diet.

  • Seven gold tips to avoid the most unpleasant side effects,

  • The optimum amount of tea to drink each day.

  • How to enjoy green tea - without the caffeine.

  • What big companies rather you did not know: Which is the healthiest type of tea and why.

  • Why legendary tea still exists.

  • Which tea garden did former British Prime Minister Mrs. Margaret Thatcher flew to visit in China?

Ready for some insights on how to discover your great tea? Sign up for the Amazing Green Tea Newsletter and grab your ebook The Dragon Lady's Secret Manual - A Beginner's Guide to Green Tea and other freebies while they are still free.

PS: This ebook is worth $29.95 but it can be downloaded FREE by newsletter subscribers. Offer available ONLY for a limited period.

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Tea Alert: Want green tea that looks good, taste good and feel good? Check out my top three recommendations!