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What is a tea diet?
At its core is the idea that if you consume tea, either in the form of a beverage or a supplement, you will lose weight.
It may sound simple, but there are many potential pitfalls.
As you read this article in detail, you will learn why consuming a "proven" tea product is important.
Green Tea Diet #1:
What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Consuming green tea for weight loss has many advantages. Compared to other foods and beverages, it has one big advantage: it has been shown to raise energy and burn fat in many scientific studies.
Click on the link below to learn more:
Green Tea Weight Loss - Ten Important Facts
Every weight loss program advocates drinking lots of water, as it fills you until your next meal arrives. Drinking cup after cup of water can be boring, why not drinking tea instead?
Contrary to what many people believe, tea is hydrating. Hear what Dr. Carrie Ruxton from Kings College London said:
"Drinking tea is actually better for you than drinking water. Water is essentially replacing fluid. Tea replaces fluids and contains antioxidants so it's got two things going for it."
This article will explain further:
Tea Diet Benefits - 7 Reasons Why It Works
What are the disadvantages?
If you have a lot of weight to lose, just drinking tea is not enough. As you will see later, a well designed program to complement your tea diet is essential for maximum weight loss.
Green Tea Diet #2:
Does it matter which tea I drink?
It matters hugely what you drink.
Scientists have discovered that the ingredients that are responsible for green tea's weight loss effects are catechins and caffeine.
To reap the health and weight loss benefits of green tea, you have to consume catechin-rich tea or supplement.
Weight loss studies have found that you need to consume 300 to 700 milligrams of catechins for tea to have weight loss effect, with the lower end requiring a significant addition of caffeine:
Green Tea Extract Weight Loss - How Much to Take
Only a quality tea will contain that much catechins. Never try to drink bucket loads of low quality tea, you will leave yourself susceptible to drinking too much.
Too Much Green Tea - Why It Is Harmful
Sadly low quality products such as green tea bags contain precious little catechins. This is explains in the article below:
Loose Green Tea Versus Tea Bag - 7 Reasons Why It's Better
Tea research has consistently shown that the concentration of catechins and caffeine decreases with leaf age.
The youngest tea buds are harvested earliest in the spring. In East Asia, green tea is graded according to the timing of harvest; the earlier the harvest, the more expensive the tea.
That is why when readers come to me for advise, I always recommend those AAA grades in my tea shop, as they are harvested in the first three days of spring.
Considering the high quality, they can be surprisingly affordable as the leaves can be steeped or infused three times.
They are naturally flavorful. Unlike supermarket teas, you don't have to add any sugar, lemon or honey. They taste subtly sweet with a light aroma, and energizes you with a calm, relaxing energy that can last for six hours or more.
More importantly, they are highly potent and you need only a small amount each day. Being naturally organic, they are also very safe to drink.
Green Tea Diet #3:
How many cups to drink?
For a high quality loose-leaf, you only need to consume 3 - 6 grams a day. Infused for three times, they should give you 3 - 6 cups daily.
The thing to remember is not to fall into the classic consumer trap of drinking lots of low quality products such as flavored teas, decaffeinated teas (unless CO2 decaf) or instant or bottled green teas.
If you drink the wrong type of tea, you might need to drink 10 times as much to make up the difference!
Tea Catechin Rich Food and Beverage
Green Tea Diet #4:
When is the best time to drink tea? Should I drink it before or after meals? How about before bed?
Green tea is a very powerful herb. It is very important to drink tea at the right time to avoid unpleasant side effects such as gastric pains, nausea and insomnia.
The best time to drink green tea is in-between meals and at least one hour after a meal. You should avoid drinking green tea on an empty stomach such as when it is the first thing in the morning.
This is because green tea contains catechins and caffeine, both of which may stimulate the production of gastric acid and cause stomach indigestion.
You should also avoid drinking green tea with meals as it can interfere with the absorption of protein, fat and dietary iron, the later especially important if you are menstruating or prone to anemia.
Drinking green tea can energize your body for six hours or more. If you are sensitive to caffeine and prone to insomnia, you should avoid drinking tea in the late afternoon or at night.
Finally, drinking green tea before exercise is extremely beneficial as it has been shown to improve performance, speed up metabolism and improve fat burning. Check out this article below:
Green Tea Diet and Exercise - Six Benefits Explained
In summary, the best to drink green tea is one hour after breakfast and lunch and 30 minutes before exercise!
Green Tea Diet #5:
Can I drink green tea with lemon and honey?
Many readers from this site has reported significant weight loss drinking tea with lemon.
A 2007 study conducted by Purdue University found that drinking green tea with lemon juices or vitamin C increases the amount of catechins available for the body to absorb.
Green Tea With Lemon - Increase Antioxidants Benefit
Using raw or unprocessed honey is preferred as it is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
Its rich amino acids content makes it very soothing to drink. Processed honey is not recommended as it has been heavily pasteurized and filtered so they contain just empty calories (i.e. devoid of nutrition).
Honey Health Benefits - 10 Reasons Why the Future Is Sweet
While fresh lemon and unpasteurized honey is recommended, you should avoid using flavored tea as study has found them to contain just 40% of antioxidants found in regular tea.
Green Tea Diet #6:
Can I drink green tea with ginseng or milk?
Ginseng is a good additive as it makes the body more resistant to disease, restores virility, increases general vitality and reduces stress. You can buy ginseng powder from store to add to your tea.
Ginseng is an amazing herb but you should be using real ginseng, not a green tea bag that has been flavored with ginseng.
If you are considering drinking green tea with milk - the answer is no, this tastes pretty gross.
Green Tea Diet #7:
Can I lose weight fast with green tea? What result can I see in the short term?
For a success story of someone who uses green tea to achieve weight loss, check out this article by my customer Ellen who did it in combination with a healthy diet and exercise program:
Green Tea Burn Calories - How I Lose 25 Pounds In 6 Months
That is pure inspiration and it is by no means one-off. Many people have told me how can lose weight quickly with green tea. However, not everyone will lose weigh quickly with green tea.
For a more realistic view, check out this study by Dulloo and Rumpler used a state-of-the-art metabolic chamber to measure the energy expenditure of their study subjects over 24 hours.
They found that green tea increases metabolism by 2.9% and 4% and fat burning by 12% and 35% respectively.
Green Tea Thermogenesis - Metabolism Booster
If you burn 2,000 calories a day, this translates to a savings of up to 80 calories, or 8 pounds a year, not bad for just a few cups of soothing tea! After a few years, each little cup adds up to a gigantic slimming effect.
How quickly you lose weight depends on your diet and lifestyle. No one can guarantee how many pounds you can shed in a week!
Green Tea Diet #8:
Are rich tasting teas better for weight loss and health?
According to a 2004 study conducted by the UK Institute of Food Research, high quality green tea is described as "delicate" or "sweet".
Sweetness is attributed to amino acids, especially theanine, which has the taste described as "unami" or "brothy", while the catechins and caffeine contribute to the astringency.
The same study found that rich tasting tea contains the highest levels of catechins and caffeine - tea compounds chiefly responsible for green tea slimming effects.
Best Green Tea Chemical Secrets Revealed By Study
Green Tea Diet #9:
Which is better, freshly brewed green tea or dietary supplement?
This is an open-ended question, much depends on the quality of the green tea or supplement product you are comparing.
For those of you who can't tolerate caffeine all, caffeine-free supplement is a viable option.
That aside, I personally prefer to drink green tea consisting entirely of young tea buds plucked from the top of the tea bush in the first three days of spring. I think these high grade green teas offer the best value in term of taste, nutrition and avoidance of side effects.
Taking supplement is not quite the same as drinking green tea. Supplements are not regulated by the FDA, there are plenty of rogue traders out there pushing lots of sub-standard products.
Product quality is highly dependent on the intermediate processing steps used. Even the raw ingredients are different: Highest quality tea farms make high grade green tea for drinking, while low quality tea farms make tea extract.
It all boils down to the rule of thumb that you want to use the least processed product.
You can tell a cup of green tea is high quality by looking at it and tasting it. You can't do the same for a green tea extract supplement. When buying one, you have to trust the manufacturer. You have to go with the reputation of the supplement maker.
Also, scientific study has shown that the potency of a supplement is often over-stated. For further analysis on this subject, please read the following article:
Green Tea Supplements Vs Drinking - Pros and Cons
Green Tea Diet #10:
Would other teas have the same weight loss effect?
Not all Camellia Sinensis has been proven to cause significant weight loss. Green tea is one. The other tea worth considering drinking is oolong tea.
Other popular weight loss teas include Chinese diet tea, herbal laxative tea and hoodia tea. Click on the links below to find out why they are likely to disappoint.
Weight Loss Tea - Best of 7 Types Reviewed
Green Tea Diet #11:
What is the secret to maximum weight loss?
There is a lot more to permanent weight loss than green tea. Green tea keeps you in optimum health. It helps you achieve your goals more easily. It will complement any food and exercise program you choose to follow.
What do successful weight loss stories have in common? In the following article, I have pulled together eight features of a successful diet plan.
Green Tea Diet Plan - Eight Steps to Slimming
Green Tea Diet #12:
Which diet plan do you recommend?
The National Weight Loss Registry tracks over 5,000 individuals who have lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off for long periods of time. An average registry member lost 66 pounds and kept it off for 5.5 years.
These are some of the key findings of the Registry:
98% of participants modified their food intake in some way.
94% increased their physical activity.
In other words, your best chance of maximum weight loss comes from following a well designed program that incorporates diet change and exercise. There are many weight loss and diet books around, but none of them is as comprehensively written as Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat.
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle - Who Should Read It?
Knowledge is one thing. Motivation and follow-through is another. We often struggle to find time to prepare nutritious food and do regular exercise. A 2005 study conducted by Tufts-New England Medical Center concluded that the key to successful weight loss is not the diet itself, but actually following the diet!
I was initially skeptical about weight loss hypnosis. But Enjoying Weight Loss by Dr. Roberta Temes is excellent. The 4 CDs are very relaxing and beneficial to listen to.
Weight Loss Hypnosis - The Missing Link?
Diet Reviews and Articles
Tea Diet - 3 Popular Diet Plans Reviewed
How does green tea compare to a low carb diet, maple syrup diet and blood type diet?
Chinese Diet Tea For Slimming - 7 Reasons Why It Won't Work
7 reasons why herbal Chinese diet tea should be avoided if you are want to slim down and lose weight.
Herbal Laxative Tea - Diet Slimming and Constipation Relief?
What can go wrong with drinking herbal laxative tea as a dieter's slimming aid and constipation reliever? Do better alternative exist?
Herbal Slimming Tea for Dieters - Noni and Swiss Formulae Reviewed
A herbal slimming tea guide. Why teas with laxative and diuretic effects do not cause permanent weight loss.
Ultimate Tea Diet - Does It Work?
The Ultimate Tea Diet is probably the first best seller created by a fellow tea professional. I picked it up with much anticipation. It left me with mixed feelings.
Arizona Diet Green Tea Mix Review
Why Arizona Diet Green Tea Mix won't help you lose weight. A review of powder and liquid concentrates.
Mega Green Tea Diet Plan - Would You Do That?
The Mega tea diet is a weight loss plan that consists of a green tea supplement, a low calorie diet and an exercise routine. The million dollars question is: how good is the plan?
Super Tea Diet - Should You Play It Safe?
Nature’s Bounty claims their 'Super Green Tea Diet is a weight loss product and work out all in one capsule’ – it sounds too good to be true. Let’s see what we can find out!
Schiff Tea Diet - Advantages and Disadvantages
Schiff has offered a decent product, but it is not herbicide free, which is my only concern.
Green Tea Dieting - Meal Plan Recipe
A sample green tea dieting meal plan recipe.
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The National Weight Control Registry.
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Click on the links below.
Green tea Improve Gut Health in mice
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Green tea cut obesity and a number of inflammatory biomarkers linked with poor health in a new study. Mice fed a diet of 2 percent green …
Honey and Weight Loss - The Fructose Issue
Controlled Studies on humans have shown that Fructose causes persistent intestinal fat,the worst type.
Honey is 50% fructose. the studies you reference …
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Hi, I think the good tip to training, gym workout and martial arts is to drink 2 cups of green tea 30 minutes before exercise, and about 30 minutes afterwards. …
Green Tea to Boost Metabolism At Reasonable Price
1.) I am a 19 year old male interested in shedding just a few (literally, a few) pounds with losing minimal muscle mass.
In my diet I avoid saturated …
Green Tea and Weight Loss - Q&A
Okay I've been trying to shed a few pounds and Green Tea "The Magic Drink" as some people call it.
Doesn't even work! For 3 weeks now.. THREE WEEKS!!! …
I Lost 40 Lbs Drinking Green Tea in Six Months
I have heart problems and my doctor told me to lose weight and I chose green tea to help me.
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I drank Wu-Yi tea for a long time and felt it had done nothing.
Wuyi Tea Weight Loss System
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I think what I noticed is that when it is really hot the last thing you want to do is eat a heavy meal. It makes sense that your body will try and shed …
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Hello, since I have started drinking green tea, I have noticed a significant decrease in my loss of appetite. Does green tea have this effect?
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Hemp Powder Increase My Energy Level
I've thought I'd tell you about my experience with hemp powder.
I've been reducing carbs and increasing protein. I've tried various protein powders: …
Green Tea With Sugar - Recommended?
Is it better to drink green tea with sugar or without?
Abdallah, there is nothing wrong with adding sugar to green tea when drinking, just …
Green Tea and Weight Gain
I'm on a weight gain program but want to drink at least 2 cups of Green Tea everyday because of its antioxidant benefits. Will my weight gain be hampered? …
Tea and Cancer - Cause Weight Loss?
My wife has cancer and she is losing too much weight. Does drinking tea make you lose weight?
Craig, I am sorry to hear that your wife …
Green Tea Diet With Honey and Lemon
Hi, I drink brewed green tea with one spoon of honey with some lemon juice. I take it empty stomach in the morning to shred some weight. Is it correct …
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