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According to 1-800 Patches, manufacturer of the extinct Green Tea 300, their diet patch system has two key items:
A 48-hour green tea diet patch that gives you a constant transdermal dose of green tea extract, and
A tasty green tea and Noni drink.
They describe Noni as a "small fruit from the south pacific" that has been found to be "beneficial for imbalances of the immune, repertory, intestinal and digestive systems".
They claim that their diet patches "promote fat burning and boost you immune system, providing you with a constant dose of Noni and Green Tea day and night."
Impressed, you start doing your own research. Reassuringly, you find other internet sites are saying the same thing too!
Success Stories
You also begin to notice glowing testimonies like the ones below:
“I am 63 years young, weighed approximately 240 pounds, and had high cholesterol. That was a month ago."
"Since then I’ve been on the patch everyday and it has reduced my weight to 198 pounds, it worked so good that it even reversed my age! I am now only 36! Highly recommended!” said Betty Rubble from Manville, NJ.
What Happen Next?
Wouldn't you want to lose 40 pounds and look 27 years younger just by wearing a patch? When 1-800 gives away a one-week free trial of the Green Tea Diet Patch, you decide to give it a try.
Then an irritating thing started to happen. After your supposedly free trial expires, 1-800 continues to take your money off your credit card!
You soon learn that the company is embroiled in numerous complaints involving fraudulent billing. Next thing you know is that their internet shop has been shut down!
Today, the company has moved to a new site called 1-800 Pharmacy (which has yet to go live).
Not The First Time
In March 2004, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) fined the marketers of the "Peel Away the Pounds" patch for more than 1 million dollars for making unsubstantiated claims.
"No non-prescription product will cause meaningful weight loss without diet or exercise."
"Claims that patches, creams, and wraps can cause substantial weight loss are a ‘red flag' for falsity. Marketers should not make those claims; the media should not run them; and consumers should not buy them."
Why do scams happen so often? What is the recipe of a successful scam that catches people like you unaware every time?
One: Make Unbelievable Claims
Green tea diet patch is every marketer's dream. Wear them and feel your fat melt away. Every two days, peel off the old patch and replace it with the new one - watch as you take off the pounds. How enticing!
Unfortunately it doesn't quite work like this. Naturally occurring green tea is water soluble, not fat soluble. Skin absorption is terribly inefficient when compared to anything administered orally.
It is hard enough to get the tea extract to penetrate your skin, and even more impossible for enough green tea to get into your blood to kickstart the slimming process.
The FTC has obtained two stipulated final ... orders.
Both stipulated final orders prohibit all false or misleading weight-loss claims, including claims that the Peel Away patch, or any transdermal product, causes substantial weight loss.
Two: Make The Web Sing Your Tune
Expert sites often end up promoting scams for two reasons:
Internet information is not reliable. The so-called experts are really just punters. It is often easier to cut and paste marketing talk from related websites than to do your own critical review and product testing.
They are affiliated to the products and earn a commission for referring a sale.
Three: Use Science To Your Advantage
Here are the (very) common tricks to watch out for:
According to 1-800 Patches:
"Noni extract contains 11 milligrams of antioxidant elements per gram, and Green Tea Extract contains 88 milligrams per gram. However, research has shown that when these amazing extracts are combined they deliver 47% more antioxidants per gram."
Needless to say, this paper is unpublished and is no where to be seen on their website.
Most green tea diet patch products have not undergone strict clinical trials. So how do companies support their product claims?
Well, they can't. Most claims are derived from studies conducted using real green tea, or green tea extract, taken orally by animals and (in some cases) human.
Four: Use An Expert Witness or One Isolated Study
The Peel Away The Pound scam involved a chemist called Jesse Starkman, who allegedly described the patch's purported ability to deliver its ingredients into the bloodstream and to increase metabolism, suppress appetite, and reduce fat cell production.
For a product claim to be substantiated, it needs to be verified by a large number of independent studies involving petri-dishes, animals and human trials.
One study is not enough. The support of one doctor or one scientist usually does not mean much.
Five: Pay People Write Testimonies
Testimonies are easily made up by marketing departments and paid volunteers.
If they sound too good to be true, they probably are. When making your decisions, ignore them.
Still want a green tea diet patch? Think again.
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