Green Tea and Pills - Consume At the Same Time?

by Nishan
(Farnborough, Hants, Uk )

Is it ok to take green tea pills and drink green tea at same time?

Thank you.


Nishan, it is fine, as long as you are consuming a quality green tea product and not exceeding, or come under the dosage specified by the product manufacturer.

Further information on how to pick a high quality green tea to drink can be found at

Green Tea Beverage Brands - Best Of 7 Types Reviewed

Since green tea pills are highly processed and more likely to cause side effects, I would recommend a high quality loose green tea instead, as they would contain more antioxidants, besides offering better value for money.

A good organic certified green tea to try is this:

Huangshan Maofeng (Yellow Mountain Tea)

I hope this helps.


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