Green Tea and Blood Pressure
Green tea and blood pressure studies discover that it relieves high blood pressure.
This one is for my young cousin.
Standing 6 foot 3, he has the build of a NBA basketball player and an
appetite of a dinosaur. Addicted to fast food, he can guzzle down 2 litres of
Coca-cola in a minute.
Unfortunately, he has suffered from high blood pressure since 17 years old.
I have always asked him to drink more green tea. Hopefully he will see
the sense of it.
A 2004 study by Yang found that
drinking green and oolong tea for at least a year reduces high blood
Regular drinkers are 46% less likely to develop high blood pressure if they
drink one-half to two-half cups a day.
They are 65% less likely to develop high blood pressure if they drink more
than 2 cups a day.
In another 2004 study, laboratory rats
were bred to have high blood pressure and be prone to strokes. They were given
green tea or plain water to drink.
Researchers found that rats that drink the human equivalent of 4 cups of green
tea a day had significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
This study was published in the January 2004 issue of the Journal of Nutrition.
The 2003 study by Hodgson reported
that long term consumption of green tea may have a favorable effect on blood
pressure in older women.
If you
have high blood pressure, consult with your health adviser and use green tea
Green tea also contains caffeine, which may increase blood pressure, although
people who consume caffeine regularly does not seem to experience this effect in
the long term.
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Yang YC et all (2004). The protective effect of habitual tea consumption on
hypertension. Archives of Internal Medicine 164:1534-1540.
Hodgson JM et all (2003). Tea intake is inversely related to blood pressure
in older women. J Nutri 133:2883-2886.
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