Finest We Have Tasted! Great Value.

by Jon
(Norwich England)

Jon from Norwich, England, rates Jipin Grade 5 out of 5. December 2007.

Having received the packages of the Jipin Grade of your Dragon Well green tea after a short wait, we - the significant other and I - opened the package like two kids on Christmas morning rather than the forty somethings we are. It seems that having spent 6 weeks in China this Year it seems to have that affect on us!

The Tea is the finest that we have tasted: it is smooth and has a great essence of the East.

I take a flask to work every day & find the leaves last for two or three brews. I must say that I do feel the benefits of drinking Dragon Well everyday.

Having brought 250 Grams worth which was great value, we should have enough until the next harvest!

Sunny Regards of the Day to you All Jon & Jane

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Comments for Finest We Have Tasted! Great Value.

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Dec 29, 2007
by: Julian

Jon, I am so thrilled that you received the tea safely and enjoyed it tremendously. Yes, this is Dragon Well tea at its very best. And you know what? The freshly harvested tea (March 2008) will blow you away even more.

Wow! Six weeks in China is a long time. You must have visited many places? Wish you a very happy Christmas and New Year

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