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Learning about Essiac Tea has been an incredibly moving experience. The amazing story of Canadian nurse Rene Caisse, the unbelievable testimonials of so many cancer patients, all combine to form something of a modern legend.
The herbal formula is a gentle remedy that is widely used in North America in the treatment of cancer with few or no side effects.
It is also used for treating other health issues, such as diabetes, arthritis, tumour growth, colon problems, gout, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sinus trouble, pneumonia, chest colds, diarrhoea, constipation, retention of fluids, bladder and kidney problems, obesity, chronic pain, ulcers, allergies, asthma, and weakened immune system.
What's It?
The word “Essiac” isn’t really a word at all. It is “Caisse” spelled backwards and it stands for the original developer, Rene Caisse.
Rene treated thousands of terminal cancer patients with the herbal formula for more than 50 years. She never charged a fee for her service. She accepted only voluntary contributions.
Are you ready to discover how Rene became famous by administering a cancer cure using this secret tea recipe?
What Health Benefits?
Benefits of this herbal formula that have been reported by the general public include:
Calms the body (natural sedative)
Stops haemorrhages and build the blood
Helps digestion
Prevents or corrects constipation
Reduces heavy metal deposits in tissue, especially those surrounding the joints
Boosts immune system
Works as a preventative tonic
Prevents the detrimental effects of aluminium, lead, and mercury poisoning
Although the list may sound impressive, the truth is that its health benefits are still unproven by modern science. This may sound ridiculous, as this herbal tea has been used for over 80 years with outstanding anecdotal success.
Now, scientists are just starting to test it systematically. Learn what they have discovered so far at
Health Benefits - Three Myths Debunked!
Essiac and Breast Cancer - A Testimony
What's the Herbal Formula?
As a nurse, Rene Caisse treated an English miner's wife whose breast was scarred from cancer. This elderly woman told Rene how she was cured from cancer by an old Indian medicine man.
She gave Rene the recipe in response to Rene's request that it could possibly help others. The Indian remedy consists of four herbs: sheep sorrel, burdock root, slippery elm bark and rhubarb root.
Over the years, Rene made slight changes to the original Indian remedy. She later sold her formula to Resperin Corporation, who now markets and sells under the Essiac Canadian International brand.
Over the years, other variations appeared in the market. The most prominent includes the Flor-Essence, which uses the larger 8-herb formula.
For further information about the individual herbs and what they do, read Herbs Ingredients.
Original Formula - Does It Matter?
Herbal medicine needs exact ratios to function properly. Rene Caisse spent half a century perfecting the herbal formula. During her long years of research, she concluded that all other formulae were inferior.
A machine needs all its parts fitted in the right place to function properly; the same applies to herbal medicine. Trial studies conducted by Rene and Dr. Brusch have found that it is the combination, and not the individual herbs that make the formula effective. And the combination needs correct ratios to function property.
So yes, for maximum efficacy, we should use the preparation formula as specified by Rene Caisse. The question is: Who has the authentic formula?
Tea Liquid Review - Four versus Eight Herbs
Buying Essiac liquid is confusing. According to one source, there are more than forty brands on the market. They all claim to be the best product.
The two most established brands are Essiac Canada International, which uses 4 herbs, and the Flor-Essence, which uses 8 herbs. We will outline the advantages and disadvantages in the article below.
Liquid Review - Four Versus Eight Herbs Formula
The two brands use different types of Rhubarb roots. This article examines the pros and cons of each type of root.
Indian Versus Turkey Rhubarb Root
Tea Powder Review - What to Watch Out For
While buying Essiac liquid from proprietary brands may be convenient for starters, long term consumers may want to consider buying powdered herbs to prepare themselves.
The only problem is that counterfeit products are commonplace. This article outlines the things to watch out for.
Herbal medicine needs exact ratio to function properly, and Rene Caisse's Original formula is the only one that has been tested with anecdotal success. As far as I am aware, there have only been two highly reliable formulae released into the public domain.
For further information, read Tea Recipe.
Another (highly recommended) option is to grow and harvest your own herbal plants. This way, you have total control of the ingredients used. Not to mention it will save you a lot of money too!
Further information about growing, harvesting and preparing your own Essiac Tea can be found at Essiac Essentials.
Capsules and Tincture
At present, I do not recommend buying capsules and tincture, unless they have been prepared by reputable companies.
This is because there have been a lot of question marks over the quality of herbs used, even in liquid tea and powder forms. When you buy capsules and tinctures from little known companies, there is a higher risk of getting inferior products.
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Canada International - Original Formula Keeper or Rogue?
Canada International claims to own the Original herbal formula used by Rene Caisse herself. Can we trust them?
Flor-Essence Herbal Tea Review - Who Has the Formula?
Unlike the Original recipe, Flor-Essence uses what is called the Authentic Essiac recipe, which uses 8 herbs rather than 4.
Side Effects - Detox Symptoms and Dosage
There have been known side effects due to prolonged use or mild detox symptoms. What is the safe dosage to drink?
The Essiac Report - Cancer Health Benefits Conspiracy?
Written by Richard Thomas, this book revealed how a potential cancer cure was dismissed by government authorities.
An overview of three indispensable information guides, written by Sheila Snow, Mali Khan and Gary Glum.
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Resperin Canada to buy Essiac Powder?
Thank you for your in depth Essiac information. I have been researching myself for a while and it is very confusing but you have helped immensely. …
Essiac Tea Is Amazing!
I wanted to share this beautiful testimonial that I received from a client who bought capsules for their much loved dog. Got to love natural medicine!! …
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From a book called "cancer-there hope" by Byrun F. Tylor, the recipe is as follows:
Use stainless or glass. Make one 4-ounce batch:
- 54.28 g of …
Essiac Tea in Australia
Where can I buy Essiac tea in Australia? I understand that it cannot be imported.
Can Essiac Tea Be Taken During Pregancy or Lactation?
My friend was prescribed this tea by her iridologist to aid in her cleanse. She has severe Chemical Sensitivity and it was recommended that she do a Candida …
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