Comments for Drinking Green Tea First Thing In The Morning?

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Jun 19, 2009
reply to Julian
by: altctrlshiftc

wow. thanks for the answer Julian! short and sweet to the point. :)

Jun 20, 2009
Queries again
by: altctrlshiftc

Oh hello again!

I have got additional questions. drinking on empty stomach on some on the posts you recommend not to -

"According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, drinking tea on empty stomach cause "coldness" to enter the lung and stomach system."

so what should we follow? drink it to detox or don't drink it to prevent "coldness"?

If we does drink on empty stomach, do you immediately eat your breakfast after that? is there any relation to the tea having an effect on the body's absorption of nutrients just like having the tea during/immedidately after meal?

Jun 21, 2009
Tea and Stomach
by: Julian

To put the cultural context on this subject, I think Asians are more sensitive to green tea compared to Westerners, in the same way that Asians tend to eat less cold and raw food compared to Westerners.

It is a well known fact among Chinese herbalists that for some people, more highly oxidized teas are better for the body compared to green tea. For example, Chinese red tea is preferred to green tea for older people, as it is more gentle on stomach and digestion.

So to answer your questions:

- If you are concerned about green tea upsetting your stomach, start by drinking green tea between meals.

- Green tea can block nutrition absorption. If you want to drink a tea with meals, oolong and red teas are recommended. They do so with a lesser degree.

- The body takes a few years to adjust to tea, so start slowly. Over a period of a few years, your body tolerance will increase, and the chances of side effects will greatly reduce.

Nov 29, 2010
Very happy person
by: Anonymous

I wake up at 5 in the morning to feed my husband breakfast and I took green tea on an empty stomach and I was wide awake feeling great, instead of always feeling if I don't take it.

Aug 01, 2012
by: Anonymous

Thanks for all this information.

Earlier I was taking Red tea with milk in the morning.
Lately, I started taking Green Tea first thing in the morning. I feel terribly nauseous for atleast half an hour. Is it natural to feel that way initially until the body is used to Green Tea?

Apr 16, 2016
Green tea
by: Aditi

Hey I want to know that you describe that you should drink green tea 30 mins before your exercise but we do exercise before our breakfast and it is good to drink green tea after breakfast. So confuse...

Sep 17, 2016
Being a beginner i am not sure that at what timings green tea should be taken?
by: Tanvi

Actually I want to loose weight so i wanted to know whether when can I take green tea and would it be safe? Because from other websites I have checked that it has side effects and improper consumption causes problems. I have decided to take thrice a day but when?

Dec 24, 2016
Right time of drinking green tea in bed time
by: Sai

Sir, what is the right time to drink green tea in night bed time?? just before bed time or 1 hour before bed time??

Feb 02, 2017
Best time for drinking
by: Julian

Hey, you should most of what you need in this page below:

Mar 01, 2017
For diabetes
by: Anonymous

For diabetes patient female what is right time? And is there is need to ignore any particular flavour?

Mar 04, 2018
About Oolong tea
by: Harshi

What is the best time for drinking oolong tea? Saw an article to drink oolong tea before breakfast and lunch. Is this true?

May 20, 2021
Drinking Green Tea NEW
by: Pranjali Bawankar

I don't drink tea or coffee at morning. I drink Green tea for fresh day and glowing skin. Green tea has the good source of antioxidants including polyphenol, this healthy beverage can help you to achieve the healthy and beautiful skin.

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