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Learning about herbs is one of the most empowering things you can do.
As your body starts to cleanse, you will feel better. Little by little, your skin will clear, fatigue will lift, and you will feel smarter, more alert, energetic and alive.
A cleansing tea will help one or more of your organs detoxify. The key is to know which organs are in need of detox and then select the herbs that cleanse that organ. Here is a 3-step process to follow:
Step #1
Read Table 1 to decide which of your organs needs the most cleansing. This table contains the top symptoms for each organ in need of detoxification.
Step #2
Now go on to Table 2 to identify the cleansing herbs. This table contains the top herbs that herbalists associate with detoxifying each organ.
Step #3
Copy Table 2 and take it with you to a health food store. Read the labels and search for an herbal detox or cleansing tea that matches the list of herbs.
How Many Herbs?
You will find that NO cleansing tea contains ALL of the herbs that detoxify any organ. The main reason is that a combination of every herb that cleanses a particular organ would create chaos in your body, allowing too many toxins to be released at once. Another reason is that herbalists use additional herbs to balance a formula.
You may find that a cleansing tea contains three herbs from two categories. That is perfectly fine if you wish to detoxify those two organs simultaneously.
However, if you have never used any cleansing tea, it is advisable to select a tea that detoxifies only one organ. In this case, you are specifically looking for a tea with three herbs that cleanse your targeted organ and a few additional herbs that are in other categories.
Herbal Synergy
An herb listed in a category has detoxification properties, but when that herb is added to other herbs with similar functions, the combination maximizes the cleansing of that organ.
For example, just drinking dandelion root tea by itself would help cleanse the liver. But drinking a cup of tea containing dandelion, milk thistle, chanca pedra, slippery elm and citrus aurantium would be superior.
The combination of herbs with similar functions potentiates the cleansing tea, making it more powerful than any one herb by itself. The advantage to using one herb by itself, though, is that it is more gentle on the body, especially if you have just started a detox program.
Example #1: Local Harvest Blend
Now you are ready to evaluate an Herbal Detox tea. Here are the ingredients of the Local Harvest Blend Liver Detox Tea:
Questions to ask yourself:
Is this an Herbal Detox tea?
What organ would it cleanse?
What are the herbs that cleanse that organ?
What are the supportive herbs found in the combination?
Is this formula for someone who has never cleansed before, has done some cleansing, or for those who have cleansed the internal organs on a regular basis?
Here are the answers to those questions:
Milk thistle, dandelion root, yellow dock, Oregon grape root, turmeric
Licorice root (kidney), fenugreek, burdock root (blood)
This is a gentle formula that someone who has never cleansed before can use on a long-term basis.
Let’s do another evaluation. Long Life Herbal Detox tea is marketed as an antioxidant-rich tea that supports the liver functions. Its ingredients are:
Questions to ask yourself:
Is this an Herbal Detox tea?
What organ would it cleanse?
What are the herbs that cleanse that organ?
What are the supportive herbs found in the combination?
Is this formula for someone who has never cleansed before, has done some cleansing, or for those who have cleansed the internal organs on a regular basis?
Here are the answers to those questions:
Dandelion root, spearmint, yellow dock root
Licorice (kidney), cinnamon (pancreas), burdock root (blood), echinacea (immune system), sarsaparilla (skin), chicory (nutritive), cocoa (nutritive)
This is a gentle formula that someone who has never cleansed before can use on a long-term basis.
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