Buy Green Tea
Price, Amount and Strategies

Five useful tips to know when you buy green tea.

Tip #1:
Understand grams from ounces.

Not quite sure how many grams to an ounce?

1 ounce is 28.35 grams. Here is how they measure up:

Grams Ounce
12.5 0.4
25 0.9
50 1.8
100 3.5
250 8.9

Tip #2:
Try out samplers first before committing yourself.

For the Tribute Dragon Well tea, there is a 4-in-1 Samplers consisting of 4 grades of 12.5 grams each.

The Iron Goddess oolong tea also has 3 separate Combination Samplers.

Tip #3:
Take advantage of bulk discount.

Ordering bulk can really save you money.

Because all your teas have been sealed into 7-gram or 12.5-gram or 50-gram air-tight packages (depending on which tea you buy), you need not worry about storage.

Simply buy green tea in bulk and open the package when you ready to drink. It will be as fresh as new!

Bulk Discount

Tip #4:
Grade versus Price

Quality is the way to go. Higher grade tea may cost more, but they also offer value and safety.

These green teas consist mainly of early harvested buds, which contain more soluble solids. Being very young, they have high purity and little contaminants.

They are rich in catechins, theanine and caffeine. They taste better, so you need less each time you brew. They last multiple infusions - so you get more cups.

They look good, taste good and feel good - so you get more value each time you drink.

When you brew the Tribute Dragon Well tea, you need only a tiny amount each time. I use only 1 gram each time for three exquisite cups of tea. Other customers have reported the same.

So try out a few grades first before committing yourself. If you feel good afterwards, the tea is working its magic.

Tip #5:
How Much?

If you are drinking quality, 3 cups a day is enough.

According to the 2007 US Department of Agriculture Database, which compares nearly 400 foods for their flavonoid content, just ONE gram of green tea contains 127 milligrams of antioxidants, equivalent to the amount of antioxidants found in 500 grams of red wine and 1000 grams of apples!

Think about it.

For a high grade, you need 1.5 grams a day. For a mid-grade, you need 3 grams a day. They should last 3 infusions.

(If you are drinking a low grade, it would last only 1 infusion.)

A standard cup size is 8 ounce or 225 millimeters.

Tea leaves per day Number of infusions each time How much you need in 3 months
1.5 3 135 grams
3 3 270 grams

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