How To Brew Longjing Tea

by Huai

I've been going through your website but couldn't find a section on "how to brew tea". I've only used teabags, never loose leaves, so please enlighten.

As a sidenote, there is this elaborate, ceremony-like method of brewing tea in those upmarket tea houses, including pouring hot water over the zhi sha teapot first, pouring the infused tea into a tall cylinder-like cup, then pouring into the actual drinking cup etc. Is that simply for show or it helps to bring out the tea flavor?

Comments for How To Brew Longjing Tea

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Oct 06, 2007
Reply from Julian
by: Julian

Dear Huai

There is a short description of the brewing in the dragonwell page:

A longer article describing the entire green tea brewing process will come out by year end.

In short, green tea brewing is fairly simple. For Longjing tea, you need 3 things: good quality water, glass, and water at around 85 degrees.

The beauty of Tribute Longjing is that because it is so good, it can tolerate a wide range of temperature and brewing time.

I recommend 3 grams. But for my personal consumption, I use much much less. I think you can do the same, once you come to grip with its subtle complexities of favours.

As for Zishahu, people generally use it for oolong tea and red tea, but not green tea.

Green tea you either use glass (to admire the beautiful one-bud-two-leaf) or gaiwan (to admire the pale-greenish tea liquor).

Pouring hot water over the Zishahu is to warm the pot up.It has been said that pouring boiling water into a glass/pot immediately cool it by 5 degrees.

When making oolong tea, 90 degrees to boiling water is usually recommended.

It is going to be exciting when you get it!

Oct 06, 2007
by: Huai

I need some details on the brewing.

Instead of letting the loose leaves 'dance' in the hot water, can I enclose them in a strainer in the hot water, so as to avoid the leaves getting into the mouth while drinking?

And a suggestion for your website. For chinese names, is it possible to have chinese characters written beside the romanised translations? For instance in

you have some chinese characters names, but not for all names. With chinese characters, it would be more meaningful for those readers who can read chinese.

Oct 06, 2007
by: Julian

As mentioned in the previous post, simple (but 95% effective) brewing instructions can be found in

It is fine to use strainer, tea ball or similar devices. Dragon well tea doesn't expand that much upon brewing (unlike tieguanyin tea), so you don't need to give it a lot of room.

Simply infuse for the required time, decant to 1/3, then infuse again.

Or keep it very simple. Most of the times I simply pour hot water into the cup, finish it, then re-fill again.

As for Chinese characters, I use them very sparingly because most of my visitors do not read Chinese, do not install Chinese software in their computer, and inevitably will see only lots of error squares in their monitor.

I am worried that seeing those squares will destroy their experience. So I tend to keep these chinese words to a minimum.

I really appreciate for someone like you knowing the Chinese words adds a lot of to the experience.

I intend to translate the site to Chinese at a later date, so hopefully you will see a true bi-lingual articles (especially on the non-health section) sometimes in the not too long future.

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Brewing Dragon Well Green Tea

by Marylyn

I was given a present of West Lake Dragonwell tea. How should I brew it to maximize its best qualities?

Please address:

1) water type,
2) water temperature,
3) brewing vessel,
4) use of lid--yes or no,
5) brewing time--1st and subsequent steeps,
6) anything else...


Green tea is relatively easy to brew. Here are some general guidelines:

Amount of leaves

Standard recommendation is 3 grams of leaves in 8 ounce of water (about 225 millimetres) in a glass, infused over 3 times.

For my friend HQ's Dragon Well tea, 1 gram is about 60 tea shoots.

Choice of water

For water, it depends on where you live. Here are some ideas:

Tap water: Fine if it is not hard or too chlorinated. If chlorinated, leave overnight.

Distilled water: Can make the tea tastes flat if it does not contain any minerals.

Mineral water: Mustn't be too hard or devoid of minerals. Ideally between 10 to 100 milligrams per litre.

Choice of vessel

To be honest, any cup would do, although personally I prefer a clear glass (6 to 8 ounce) for Dragon Well green tea because you can admire the leaves standing up and dancing about.

This is the method commonly used in China.

Western tea experts like to use a gaiwan (basically a small white porcelain bowl with a lid), which is acceptable too.

You can experiment with leaf first, water later, or surface dropping (water first, then leaf later) if you are using a gaiwan.
(Several of my customers report excellent results with this).

Use of lid?

If use a lid, steep for 2 to 3 minutes then decant.

If using the decant method, leave a bit of liquid (says 1/3) to seed the next infusion.

If not using a lid, brew longer (say 10 minutes) until the favours come out.

Other factors

Other consideration such as water temperature, number of steepings can be found in Dragon Well Green Tea

Number of infusions is very subjective. I brew 1 gram of leaves for 5 times in an 8 ounce cup, which probably is extreme.

Some of my customers brew 3 gram for 3 times in an 8 ounce cup.

This is because this tea can seem to be very mild, but once you get it, and especially you are trying a real West Lake (there are many fakes around), it is very "rich" and very refreshing and cleansing.

Any more question, ping them to the comment form below.

Hope it helps.

PS: the higher the leaf quality, the easier and more consistent the brew.

Comments for Brewing Dragon Well Green Tea

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Nov 30, 2008
Brewing Time --First and subsequent steeps.
by: Vera Ratna Rahayu

How many times can I infuse and how long can the tea last afterwards? I used to brew at morning and add hot water for 4 times and keep it until midnight. Thanks.

Nov 30, 2008
How Long To Keep?
by: Julian

Vera, how many times your green tea can infuse will depend on the quality of the leaves. Standard recommendation is 3 times, I often do at least 5 times. Your 4 times seems quite typical and is fine.

It is fine to leave the tea for half a day or so before drinking. I frequently do that - just haven't got the time to drink it all.

As usual, let taste and colour be your guide. You want the tea liquor to be clear (not brownish), and you want the taste to be fresh.

Nov 30, 2008
by: Anonymous

Thanks for fast reply. I have one more question, like I said in my comment before that I used to infused 4 times but can I keep it until midnight? Or is there any limit time that we have to throw away after 10 hours? Thank you very much.

Dec 02, 2008
How Long To Keep?
by: Julian

It should be fine. I say should because different teas behave differently. The risk of keeping your tea too long is that the antioxidants get oxidised away and (when it is left really long, say 1 day) bacteria starts growing. Let the colour and taste of the tea be your guide.

Jan 03, 2009
Without straining tea leaves?
by: Michael

As a novice, I'm thoroughly confused; it seems like most recommend straining the tea leaves (whether it be via a gaiwan, or an infuser). But I believe I've also seen others simply brew and let the leaves remain in the cup/glass they are drinking from. Can you confirm that this is also acceptable without sacrificing taste and vitamins?

I've got an over-sized ceramic mug, which can hold 16 ounces and I find leaves in the liquid aesthetically pleasing. But I don't want to be brewing tea incorrectly, either.

Thank you

Jan 03, 2009
Straining Tea Leaves?
by: Julian

Michael, I can understand why you are confused. I will try to explain a bit more.

Whether you decide to strain the leaves or not would depend on the type of tea you are drinking, and your personal preference. Personally I find 5 to 10 minutes of steeping is sufficient to extract enough flavors from the tea, and will make one infusion (more will follow, of course!).

What tend to happen is that people prefer to strain tea leaves when they are drinking so that the leaves don't get truck in their teeth.

This does not happen very often when drinking this Dragon Well tea, as only a small amount of leaves are sufficiently flavorful, but when brewing lower quality leaves (i.e. with large amount of leaves), it can be irritating, so straining is preferable.

Straining tea leaves can be achieved quite simply by pouring the liquid into another cup when you are ready to drink, or removing the infuser (which contain the tea leaves).

Either way, you can let the leaves stay in the liquid as long as you like, until you are ready to drink. Or stay until you deem the tea liquid to be flavorful enough.

On the other hand, when brewing lower quality leaves, people prefer to brew for only a short period of time, as otherwise the tea will turn bitter. This is another consideration.

The bottom line is that you do whatever it takes so that the tea tastes good - rich and without the bitterness. Some experimentation with the type of tea you are drinking should point you to the right direction.

With this Dragon Well tea, because it is very high quality, it can tolerate a huge range of water temperature and steeping time, so there is a lot of freedom.

I hope this helps.


Jan 04, 2009
without straining tea leaves
by: Michael

Thank you Julian, it was a very helpful reply and am now considering a higher quality grade than before.

Aug 23, 2010
Wash leaves before brewing?
by: Amy

Somewhere, I read that you were supposed to soak the tea leaves for a couple of minutes and then throw out that water so the leaves would be washed before actually brewing your drink?

I can't locate where I read that, though, so I don't know how much time it requires for that initial pre-soaking.

Does this have any validity at all, anyway? If so, can you suggest the amount of time to let the teas sit before replacing the water and making the actual drink? Thanks!!

Sep 01, 2010
The corect way to brew
by: Keisha

Hello Julian,

I just received my Dragon well tea and I'm about to start drinking it. I have the 4-in-1 pack sampler, I see that with the dragon well tea 1 gram is good with and 8 ounce glass of water.

I want to make sure I'm brewing it correctly, I first counted out 60 tea buds, placed them in a white ceramic cups, I than poured hot water over the tea and let sit for 5 minutes.

Please advise if I'm doing this correct, also how many cups do you recommmend a day for weightloss and after I drink one cup do I need to throw the leaves away and add another gram for a second cup?

For as storage I keep the opened and unopened bags in my desk is that a safe place to get the leaves fresh?

Sep 03, 2010
Answers to Keisha
by: Julian

Some specific answers to your questions:

- For 8 ounce water, you need 2-3 grams of leaves. One gram is about 60 tea buds. So you need 120 to 180 tea buds.

- These tea buds can infuse 3 to 5 times. Brew until all the tea buds settle at the bottom of the glass. This can take 10 minutes or longer.

I recommend drinking 2-3 grams a day, which is about 3-5 cups.

Concise information about brewing and storage can be found at:

Dragon Well green tea brewing and storage guide

Sep 11, 2010
by: Jeniferuth

Thank you so much for this site! Question: I bought some Dragon Well from a high-end tea store and let it sit about 20 minutes while I did something else. It was so bitter I had to dispose of it (and I usually like bitter). Was the problem brewing time, or was I sold low-quality leaves?

Oct 08, 2010
Low Quality Leaves
by: Julian

Jeniferuth, it is either you have put too much green tea, or more likely - it is low quality.

For our Tribute Dragon Well, we steep the first time using boiling water for 10 minutes or more.

The flavors only fully emerge in the second infusion. First infusion is actually quite light, but chestnutty.

Dragon Well Tea (Longjing) - Finally! World's Best Green Tea Revealed

I would suggest you try with less tea leaves and see if it improves.

Oct 23, 2010
Get the most from your expensive dragon well tea.
by: joe

On brewing, the Chinese pour hot water over the dry tea for a moment, and drain.

They also pre-heat the pot, cup, any utensil used and dispose of the water, then pour hot, but NOT boiling water over the tea.

The pre wetting of the tea releases the flavor more quickly.

You can indeed get several cups of tea from the same leaves, just leave a bit of water on the leaves after pouring a cup, then add hot, not boiling water again. You can easily get three or more cups.

Many Chinese then put the tea leave in an athletic bottle and fill with water, and drink it throughout the day. It makes a very refreshing drink, with a mild green tea taste.

Also, after drinking the morning tea, some put the leaves in a cup or mug, fill it with water, place a saucer over it and drink it when they return from work. It is surprisingly refreshing.

Nov 05, 2010
by: Anonymous

I have really tried to understand how to brew green tea correctly but with no success. Here is what I've understood so far:

- I should pour hot water over leaves and let them sit there for a some time. For how long?

- After the time has passed what do I do next:

- Option A)I decant the liqour and put the leaves back in for the second infusion(if this is what infusion means, which i doubt because it doesn't make much sense)

- Option B) I decant the liquor and put the leaves in another cup and pour another 225mL of hot water over them for the second infusion.

(Btw. if that's the case and one drinks these two cups, do they count as two or just one, in other words, how many cups per gram of PROPERLY used leaves can be made?)

- Option C) After the initial time has passed, I drink the liqour which counts as one cup of tea.

And one final question, how much EGCG is there per gram of PROPERLY used high grade dragon well tea leaves.


Mar 13, 2012
Infuser brewing
by: Helenita

How about using an infuser? So, I'm supposed to pour hot water on the leaves for 3 min and then dump the water and then put hot water again on the leaves for 3 min and then drink it?

Mar 22, 2012
HOw to properly re-use the leaves
by: Fabrizio

Hi Julian, one question on how to properly re-use the same leaves for several cups during the day.

Assuming I am planning to have 3/4 cups a day, something that if I have interpreted your instruction correctly is double with the same leaves, how exactly should I proceed?

1) After brewing the first cup I keep the leaves at the bottom of the pot with NO WATER and few hours later, when I want my next cup I simply add more hot water and wait for few minutes?

2) After brewing the first first cup I keep the leaves at the bottom of the pot in A LITTLE BIT OF WATER and hours later when I want my next cup I simply add hot water and wait for few minutes ?

Question: if I leave the leaves in a littler bit of water, given they will continue brewing for a very long time, this water won't become a very concentrated and probably very bitter tea?

Thanks for your guide in getting the best out of my Dragon Well..


Mar 25, 2012
Brewing tips
by: Julian

Fabriozio, it is better to leave a bit of water in the glass for the next infusion.

The water is more likely to protect the tea leaves from oxidising. Also, our Tribute Dragon Well tea seldom gets bitter. And finally, this little bit of water (up to 1/3 of the cup) can serve as the seed for the next infusion, making the next infusion tastes better.

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Tai Ping Hou Kui Tea - How To Brew?

by Ian
(Czech Republic)

I have just bought some Tai Ping Hou Kui (Monkey King) (as I first saw it translated) sold to me as Tai Ping Chou Gui, in the Czech Republic.

I didn't really know what I was doing and was strapped for time, but I just asked the English speaking tea house worker 'what is your freshest green tea?' He replied with a rendition of this tea and I have not been disappointed.

At first I brewed it at too low a temperature and suffered the consequences, it is far too robust for 70C. I bought a small amount given my inexperience but now wonder if I should have bought more.

The leaves are fairly long, maybe 4-5cm. The infusion is most certainly fragrant and I was told (now a week ago) that he received this tea one week previously. Now here are my questions:

How can I tell the grade of this tea, as I do not know when it was picked, despite its freshness? It is unlikely to be a fake, as the Good Tea House as they call themselves are a respected chain across the Cz. Rep., but this is all I have to go on.

How would you brew this tea? What do you look for in this tea that you don't expect to find in any other? I have found filtered tap water leaves it a little flat; Is it worth buying mineral water?

It does not really matter how good it is in comparison with others, as I enjoy it anyway, but I want to broaden my understanding with every new tea I drink.



Ian, good to hear from you. I hope you are enjoying Czech Republic.

There are many different types of Taiping Houkui tea, and this tea is one of the three green teas which I have covered in some details to date. You can read it here:

Taiping Houkui tea - Big Is Sexy

Brewing is the same as any other green tea. I use a tall glass using boiling water, upon pouring probably cooling down to 80-85 degrees. There is no need to use mineral water but you can experiment.

Traditionally size is the determinant of grade, the bigger and stouter the better. But fake tea is rampant these days and it is getting harder to tell (these fake teas are made in factory, very symmetrical).

The better ones are seaweed and floral, and with Hu's tea (although his is not the highest grade), you can detect a nice perfume at the back of the mouth. Very long aftertaste. We Chinese call it the Hou Yun, or Monkey Rhyme.

It was my favourite last year. But this year I missed the boat because I was in India. I am giving out his wild cultivated tea for free this year, because although this tea should retail for $15, it is just not as good as his main crop. If you are interested let me know, you need to pay for the postage though ($6).

Anyway, I am glad you enjoy it. From this article you can catch a few glimpse of the characteristics of high grade.

Monkey Chief Tea - An Insider's Guide

Hope this is helpful.


PS: You are making so jeolous now. Oh I really miss this tea.

Comments for Tai Ping Hou Kui Tea - How To Brew?

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Jul 19, 2008
thanks for the reply
by: Ian

Truth be told the leaves are probably not as long as I thought, I just had a brief look at first and pulled out some long-ish leaves, but these were very stalky. I found out more about them yesterday by laying out the spent leaves on some paper, they were all different, very irregular so perhaps not factory made but they are fairly broken up and so there is a very small amount of bitterness, but this is even with driking it quite strong. I brew my green tea in a small glass now, and these leaves once fully expanded (4th - 5th re-infusion) filled a half full glass.

The seaweed is something I noticed straight away and I'm glad I have someone who agrees! There is something at the back of the mouth, I could say if it was perfumey or something else, but it lingers. I love the aftertaste! The smell of the dry leaves is intense, I just assume this is because it is fresh. Presumably the higher grades aren't picked as late as a few weeks ago?

I have recently read that it 'should' be brewed at 90C, but I just took the water to about 95 and poured. Is it right that water used for chinese tea should not be boiled (at least not for too long) since it de-oxygenates? It is a fine balance! You have to make sure it has the right mineral content, isn't stale and has little to no chlorine. Well our water is hard so I filter it, but then it sits around and de-oxygenates, so I have to be careful.

If this was your favourite tea then I would very much like to try a higher grade. My personaly favourite is the first good tea I bought a few years ago: Anji Bai Cha. I just recently bought some more from Jing Tea, of the Pre-Qing Ming variety. Its dry leaves are of the most heady and intense aroma I have had the pleasure of sampling, and even back when I understood little of the 'Umami' or 6th taste, I recognised that within it, and I always wanted it with marmite (yeast extract = loads of glutamate) on toast!

Do you have some of this tea in England which you could send? Or is it with Hu and he would send it over from China? I am looking forward to his fresh crop in the Spring!

I have your articles on tai Ping and they are very interesting, thanks.


Jul 21, 2008
Taiping Houkui Tea continue...
by: Julian

Thank you for your fascinating post. I read and re-read it several times. Very interesting. I have to say I was similarly ecstatic this time last year after trying out Hu's tea.

I get slightly worried when you say dried green tea leaves have an intensely fresh smell. Other customers have reported similar experience from reputable vendors. This is highly unusual, and is usually a sign of added flavouring, because even the best green tea in the world would not have this aroma on dried tea leaves.

Green tea is made from young tea buds which although contain high levels of theanine (the 6th taste unami you mentioned) and catechins content, does not yet contain enough aromatic oils.

(Oolong tea aroma oils is obtained from more matured leaves which are then bruised and withered to increase the natural fragrance.)

HQ's Dragon Well tea King grade, which is harvested only on the first day of spring, has a striking nasal and orchid aroma, which is rare amongst green tea, but even at this rarest of grade, the dried tea leaves do not have that smell.

Having said that, Anji Baicha has been famous for hundreds of years due to its high theanine content.

As for brewing temperature, there is no hard and fast rule. It really is a function of

- leaf amount (more leaves, lower temperature)
- tea quality (higher quality, high temperature)
- other brewing parameters (how you pour water, whether your vessel has been pre-heated, how you steep, how you throw in the leaves etc)
- whether you are talking about kettle temperature, cup temperature.

Further info can be found in

How To Make Green Tea

Hu's main crop is not available this year, but I am giving away a more expensive wild cultivated tea which is organic at for free, which I am shipping at 100 grams per $5 postage directly from China.

It is not as good as his main crop, but still is pretty good. Here is the feedback from Stig from Copenhagen:

The wild variety of Hou Kui is an interesting tea with its rustic notes initially reminiscent of burnt feathers (! - you know, after having plucked the fowl one holds it over fire) and swamp water before nobler tastes take over and make it clear why this variety has been cultivated into a more fragrant character (I guess - and look forward to next spring!).

This wild variety does finish in more than a hint of seaweed, but that may be subdued in the selective process of upgrading the variety. Thank you very much for sharing this experience with me (and I haven't received an invoice yet) - the wild Hou Kui is well worth drinking!

For these high grade gardens, harvesting dates are only limited to 2 to 3 weeks in March/April.

I hope I have answered all your questions. Are you back in UK now? Gosh it's summer again and all my friends are getting ready for the vacations!

All the best. Please contact me with email if you want the free tea.


Jul 23, 2008
by: Ian

Yes, I think you answered all of my questions but one, which is whether or not water is unnecessarily harmed by over-boiling (which I read somewhere).

I shouldn't worry about the tea aroma, I think it may be in part due to the contrast I see between this fresh tea and other poorly packaged tea I've had which went old quickly, and also the contrast with teabag tea. The intensity perhaps is not chemical but emotional! I think too that Anji Bai Cha is a special tea, and it is not intense as an aromatic essential oil is.

In fact, I read somewhere (it may have been here!) that some people cannot detect theanine, so perhaps if there is a scale on which lie people who are insensitive to very sensitive, I lie at the latter end, which would explain why I go mad about green tea! Maybe it would have something to do with my consumption of marmite and MSG...

I still have a lot to learn about tea and I'm glad.

Thanks again,

Aug 17, 2008
Chinese Green Tea Brewing...
by: Julian

Ian, glad to know I have been of some help :)

The idea that boiled water hurts tea quality is usually explained by the lack of oxygen once it has been boiled, or re-boiled. I am neutral on this issue. I think you really have to test it yourself to find out.

Personally, I use only boiling water, which for brewing green tea and white tea may seem unusual. Part of the reason is because I drink only the higher grade tea. They are more tolerant and versatile. Also any cooling is achieved by keeping my kettle high when pouring, and the use of unheated glass etc. I also like to use small quantity of leaves at a time which gives me leeway in the brewing parameters.

In China, people always use boiled water. Part of the reasons is hygiene. Second reason is boiled water is regarded as more lively and hearty. Several well known tea masters have recommended using boiled water, even for green and white tea.

Coming back to theanine and unami ...

A scientific study says 1 in 5 population cannot taste unami. Have to confess I am like you, theanine is absolutely mesmerising ... I even bought myself a theanine supplement but the effect is not as pronounced as drinking tea.

Further details can be found at ...

Theanine 10 Astonishing Facts

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Brewing or Steeping Tea - Use Spring Water!

by Bob
(San Dimas, California)

I have been purchasing loose tea from Amazing Green Tea for 3 or 4 years now.

From the very beginning I have used only bottled spring water without added chemicals/disinfectants to brew all of the wonderful tea varieties I have purchased from Julian's company.

I almost never drink the water from taps unless in an area where it is well water with little processing and no additional chemicals.

Funny thing, I work with a Chinese man who also drinks tea from China and he has told me of the regions and tea gardens there which he has visited, but why he uses the tap water from work I don't know.

In fact, we are employed by the largest (or one of the largest) water agency in the US and we know of the disinfection and other water treatment chemicals used in processing the water.

Even Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (fluoride) is added to the water which I am STRONGLY opposed to.

Anyway, I just can't imagine using industrially treated water for internal consumption, and certainly not for brewing a wonderful tea.


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Jun 16, 2012
Tea water
by: Julian

Bob, it is really useful to get your perspective for someone who is working in the water industry! Thank you for sharing!

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Brew Green Tea - Small Quantity Better?

by Ron
(United States)

I am new to green tea and want to start drinking it for health. I have been a soda drinker all my life and want to make the transition to green tea for the health benefits.

I am used to sweet tastes so which blend would be the sweetest?

If I wanted to make it in gallon quantities is that advisable? Or is smaller quantities more healthful?

In my search for the best green tea I ran across your website and it looks like I may have found it. Any advice you could give me I would appreciate it.

I know nothing about teas. I was curious if the tea buds or leaves will leave a residue in your cup of tea after you steep it.


The best way to make green tea is to use 1-3 grams at a time, infuse them 3 times.

What you need is a kettle, a thermos to keep 24+ ounces of water warm for the next few hours, possible an infuser (or any glass container, even a wine glass will do) - and that's it.

Unless you want to drink iced tea - there is no need to brew gallons at a time.

This article explains the process of making hot green tea...

How To Make Green Tea - Brewing Secrets FAQ Guide

After brewing, it is best you finish drinking it within the next 7 hours - as time goes by the antioxidants oxidize - this means you will detect browning in high quality teas - as they contain lots of antioxidants which get oxidize in the process.

Cold Tea Vs Hot Tea Health Benefits - How Long Can You Keep or Steep?

And yes, this browning effects will usually leave a brown residue in your cup or mug. So whatever you get (cup or infuser), make sure they are easy to clean.

As for sweet taste, you don't have to worry about them when you drink a high grade - those tea buds grown in high mountain. The taste is rich, with a slight sweet aftertaste due to the theanine contents (which is naturally decaffeinating).

After drinking these antioxidant-rich beverage for a while, it will help you remove your sugar cravings.

I hope this helps.


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Chinese Green Tea - Amount of Loose Tea to Use Per Cup

by Sue Simpson
(Port Perry, Ontario, Canada)

I have received my sampler packages of (3) Jipin, AAA, A grades Chinese Dragon Well green tea.

When reading it sounds like the samplers make 45 cups. How much loose tea do I put in a cup of boiled water?

How much does a bulk order or 4 month supply cost - shipped to Canada?


Sue, thank you for your order. You are right to say that the samplers can make 45 cups.

The samplers contain 30 grams of tea leaves. Tea tasting is highly subjective, but experienced drinkers would find this tea very flavourful (not tannic and roasted like the lower grades, but light, and yet rich and flavourful in its own subtle ways).

The recommendation is based on 2 grams of tea leaves a day. They can be brewed in an 8-ounce cup 3 times to make 3 cups. As your palate starts to recognise the natural flavours of tea (and not just the man-made roasted flavours), you may be able to infuse more times.

Now you are going to ask me how to measure out 2 grams of leaves. Now that is approximately equal to about 120 tea shoots.

Using the above dosage (2 grams a day), you will need about 60 grams for 1 month supply. HQ's Dragon Well tea starts at $14.95 per 50 gram. If you prefer the higher grades (AAA or Jipin), they are available at 15% discount bulk prices for order of 250 grams.

Further information on brewing can be found in Brewing Tea Resources

I provide shipping at a flat fee of $6.00 per order, regardless of weight and destination.

I hope this helps.


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Decanting Tea Leaves

Your page about brewing green tea is very interesting ! I was wondering how to decant tea leaves from a glass (which has no lid) to a gaiwan when the type of tea used doesn't sink to the bottom easily even after 10 minutes. Thank you !


That probably means you you haven't waited long enough - most tea leaves will eventually sink to the bottom.

Personally I use a lid that comes with my gaiwan to manually filter the tea leaves - not perfect but simple and it works.



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Color of Tea After Brewing.

by Jim

What color is the tea supposed to look after it is steeped? And I am not getting all these flavors and odors you have been writing about. The Jasmine tea makes me feel good. After reading the things here, I'm wondering if I am drinking the right tea. Maybe a little too much information to absorb at once.

Thanks, Jim Brodie


Jim, if you don't mind me asking, which tea did you buy from me, if you ever did? I can't recall having sold you the newly launched jasmine tea.

And if you haven't got the tea from me, which specific tea are you talking about?

A lot of teas are low quality and it may be asking too much from them.

The taste of tea is a subjective matter, hard to put to words, and if you are new to tea, take a while to acclimatise your taste buds.

It is a bit like learning to swim, you have to get wet a few times before getting the hang of it. It took me one year to fully appreciate HQ's Dragon Well tea.

In the meantime, I keep going back to it because it makes me feel good afterwards. And so many good things have happened to me ever since I take tea drinking seriously. That's what matters - how it makes you feel, as supposed to how you are supposed to feel.

Different teas have different colors after brewing. Most Chinese green teas have yellowish color after brewing. Light yellow with bright lusre is considered good quality.

Japanese green teas have green color, not because they are higher quality, but because they tend to be steamed rather roasted or baked.

Let me know which tea you are talking about and I will see if I can help.

I hope this helps.


Comments for Color of Tea After Brewing.

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Jan 12, 2009
by: Jim Brodie

Julian, Thanks for your comments. I did not buy my tea from you. About 5 years ago searching the internet I bought from a place in California the first time.

2008, again searching the net I bought from a place in Jersey. The price was great. Since then I search many sites and saw the prices were double, triple and more than what I paid.

Found this site and asked you: Less expense tea not as good a quailty?

Really, thank you for your information.

Jim in Georgia

Jan 13, 2009
Price Vs Quality
by: Julian

Jim, buying tea is different from buying books, cars or electronics. Different shops can call the tea the same name, but they can have vastly different quality and price.

This doesn't mean higher price is better. Some shops have higher costs and margins, so they are more expensive.

The only thing you can sure is that teas that are very very cheap tend to be low quality. That you can be sure.

Also different people have different taste. Some like high quality teas, some like low quality teas.

The lowest prices tea that I will ever sell is perhaps this Yellow Mountain green tea, which despite being priced at around $5 per 50 grams (2 ounce), have very satisfactory favors and effects.

I highly recommend you take advantage of the Pre-Launch offer that will be ending this week.

Huangshan Maofeng

If there is anything I can help please let me know.

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