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According to the Arizona Diet Green Tea website, they are the "Number #1 tea for one simple reason", their drinks taste better. Here is how the company explains it:
"That's how we approach all our products. We make sure our beverages are made from 100% natural ingredients. Without artificial flavors. Without artificial colors. Without preservatives."
The Arizona Iced Tea is reportedly the best-selling ready-to-drink beverage in the United States. Here is how Arizona explained their success:
"Their [the company founders] business plan is simple - create a high quality product in packaging that stands out."
That's right - outstanding packaging. In Arizona Diet Green Tea, you have a product that look so irresistibly beautiful that you can almost feel the tea melting in your mouth...
But that is not quite the same as quality. After all, this is a diet green tea. Here is the million dollar question: would Arizona green tea mix help you lose weight?
Each tin of Arizona green tea mix comes in three forms: powders, liquid and powder stix (soon to be launched). I rate them very highly in term of packaging, flavors and convenience.
I will explain about weight loss shortly.
Green Tea Powder
One tin of powder concentrates contains 6 tubs of powder that when mixed with water make 2 quarts of drink (just under two litres).
According the Arizona, the powder concentrates are sugar free and have zero calories. Strangely enough, throughout the site, there is no mention that the powders are free of artificial flavors, colors and preservatives.
Green Tea Liquid
Arizona reassures that the liquid concentrates are free of artificial flavors, colors and preservatives.
I love reading about Arizona Diet Green Tea. It has a personality. It is beautiful to look at. If I am drinking green tea for fun and convenience, I will buy it. But if I am trying to lose weight, I still stay away. Here is why.
Green tea helps us lose weight because it contains EGCG and caffeine. These two compounds synergise to promote weight loss by stimulating metabolism and fat burning. Manufacturing green tea extract is a perilous process that usually ends up destroying the EGCG content.
To give you an idea, according to the USDA study, instant and decaffeinated green tea contains only 10% and 30% of the EGCG found in a cup of regular tea. That's how bad it can get.
Without known levels of EGCG or documented proof of levels in the finished product, the company is not providing any information to show that Arizona Diet Green Tea Mix is any superior or more effective than other similar products on the market today.
You are probably better off with a cup of loose tea. Here is what loose green tea can do for you:
It contains zero calories
It does not need any preservatives and artificial flavorings
It tastes naturally sweet.
It contains much higher levels of EGCG.
Doesn't the first three points sound similar to the Arizona talk? But with loose tea you also get much higher level of EGCG. Can you see the difference?
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