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You may have seen apple cider vinegar or pills touted as a "miracle diet," capable of melting pounds away with hardly any effort at all.
Apple cider vinegar is great stuff, but taking it will not change the fundamental rule of dieting: To lose weight, you must use up more calories than you take in.
Some people say that apple cider vinegar revs up your metabolism and helps you burn more calories.
There is no scientific evidence this is the case.
However, apple cider vinegar may be able to help you lose weight because it helps you stay full longer, reducing your urge to snack.
Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Fact #1:
Sustain Energy Level
Apple cider vinegar helps you feel full longer because it reduces your body's glycemic response to foods.
The glycemic response of a particular food measures the amount that the food elevates your blood sugar.
A spike in blood sugar gives you a burst of energy, but as anyone who ever ate too much Halloween candy as a child remembers, that "high" is followed by a sudden crash shortly afterwards.
When you crash, you are likely to get hungry and begin craving sugar again.
Low glycemic foods give you a slow but steady energy boost that lasts longer and does not lead to a crash.
Of the twenty scientific studies published between 1977 and 1999, sixteen demonstrated that low-glycemic index foods help you feel fuller and avoid hunger longer.
Researchers Sugiyama and colleagues compile the glycemic index (GI) table for 32 common Japanese foods. They found that the addition of vinegar or pickled foods to rice (eg, sushi) decreased the GI of rice by 20% to 35%.
In another study, researchers Ostman and colleagues reported that substitution of a pickled cucumber for a fresh cucumber in a test meal (bread, butter, and yogurt) reduced meal GI by over 30%in healthy participants.
Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Fact #2:
Stay Full Longer
A 2005 study conducted by Lund University in Sweden showed that people who had vinegar with a piece of white bread felt fuller for longer than a control group that ate bread alone. To quote the scientists:
Three levels of vinegar (18, 23 and 28 mmol acetic acid) were served with a portion of white wheat bread containing 50 g available carbohydrates as breakfast.
Supplementation of a meal based on white wheat bread with vinegar reduced postprandial responses of blood glucose and insulin, and increased the subjective rating of satiety.
The results indicate an interesting potential of fermented and pickled products containing acetic acid [vinegar].
Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Fact #3:
Stabilize Blood Sugar
Apple cider vinegar helps reduce the spike in blood sugar that people experience after eating. This has been shown in numerous studies published by researcher Carol S. Johnston at the University of Arizona.
She discovered that people who drank a sweetened vinegar drink before meals experienced a glycemic response to a test meal that was 50-55% lower than that of the control group.
She also found that people fed small amounts of vinegar each day lost weight over a 4 week period, compared to a control group that put on a few pounds.
Finally, a 2001 study from Egypt found that mice fed cider vinegar experienced a "significant reduction in weight gain" compared with a control group.
From the evidence, apple cider vinegar weight loss does have some science behind it.
Drinking a little bit of vinegar in water before meals, or adding it to your salad dressing, just might help you stick to your diet!
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Sugiyama M, Tang AC, Wakaki Y, Koyama W (2003). Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2003;57:743–752.
Ostman EM, Liljeberg Elmstahl HG, Bjorck IM (2001). Inconsistency between glycemic and insulinemic responses to regular and fermented milk products. Am J Clin Nutr. 2001;74:96–100.
Carol S. Johnston, PhD, RD and Cindy A. Gaas, BS (2006). Vinegar: Medicinal Uses and Antiglycemic Effect. MedGenMed. 2006; 8(2): 61. Published online 2006 May 30.
Carol S. Johnston, PhD, FACN (2005). Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Strategies for Healthy Weight Loss: From Vitamin C to the Glycemic Response. Vol. 24, No. 3, 158-165 (2005)
Johnston CS, Buller AJ (2005). Vinegar and peanut products as complementary foods to reduce postprandial glycemia. J Am Diet Assoc. 2005;105:1939–1942.
Mohamed el-OA, Mohamed SM, Mohamed KA.(2001). J Egypt Public Health Assoc. The effect of cider vinegar on some nutritional and physiological parameters in mice. 76(1-2):17-36.
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