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Vinegar is a health product that can benefit you inside and out.
In addition to helping with weight loss and certain physical complaints, it can also help keep your scalp healthy and your hair shiny.
Are you ready to unlock its hair beauty secrets?
Here are 5 ways it can benefit your hair and scalp:
Benefit #1: Reduce Dandruff
One traditional use for apple cider vinegar is to relieve dandruff.
Dandruff has several different possible causes, but the most common causes are overactive oil glands and sensitivity to substances produced by Malassezia yeasts that naturally live on your scalp.
Apple cider vinegar regulates the production of oil, balances the PH of your scalp and also has anti fungal properties. Since yeasts are a type of fungus, vinegar can help reduce their numbers.
Vinegar is a safe and natural dandruff treatment that works for many people.
To try it, mix 1 part vinegar with 3 parts warm water and apply to your scalp.
Rinse off after 5-10 minutes, or leave it on overnight and wash it out in the morning.
Benefit #2: Heal Psoriasis
It is also helpful for treating psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes itchy, scaly, flaky skin.
The alpha-hydroxy acids in vinegar can help smooth scaly skin and reduce flaking. Some patients also find that it soothes itching.
There are no clinical studies that show vinegar helps psoriasis, but there is anecdotal evidence.
However, it does not work for everyone.
Reading through the forum posts of the National Psoriasis Foundation, some people said that they received relief from itching using an vinegar rinse, but others said it did not work for them.
Nobody seems to have experienced full remission, just partial relief of symptoms.
Still, psoriasis is no fun, and even small improvements can make a big difference in your quality of life.
To try this home remedy, mix 1 part vinegar with 3 parts water and apply to affected areas.
Some people also believe that drinking 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar mixed in a cup of water will help.
Benefit #3: Make Gray Hair Shine
Some people claim that drinking apple cider vinegar can reverse signs of aging, including gray hair. This may be true for a few people, but in most cases gray hairs are a natural part of aging.
The only way to combat them is to dye them back to the original color.
However, there is really nothing wrong with going gray - it is a normal part of growing older, and nothing to be ashamed of.
Instead of struggling to keep your gray hairs under wraps, use vinegar to keep them silvery and shiny!
Mix 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with a quart of water, and use this mixture as a final rinse after shampooing and conditioning.
You can either spray the mixture on to your hair using a spray bottle, or just pour it over your hair.
Let it sit a few minutes, then rinse it out.
This treatment will make remove build-up that can make gray hair look dull.
Benefit #4: Cure for Baldness?
Cider Vinegar maven Patricia Bragg and some other alternative health practitioners claim that it can be used to treat baldness.
Unfortunately, for most people, there is no cure for baldness.
However, some research indicates that cholesterol build-up in the scalp can be an aggravating factor in some cases of baldness.
Drinking an vinegar tonic as part of a regime to control cholesterol might help in those cases.
Also, baldness is sometimes caused or aggravated by scalp irritations. Vinegar applied topically can help with the irritation.
Also, using apple cider vinegar as a rinse or mixing it in with a hair oil can improve the health and overall appearance of your scalp.
Additionally, massaging in a topical treatment may help slow hair loss by increasing circulation.
Feel free to give the following recipe a try - just don't expect any miracle cures!
Topical Scalp Treatment
Mix 1 cup aloe vera gel with 4 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon nettle tincture ½ teaspoon vitamin E oil and ½ teaspoon rosemary essential oil.
Massage into your scalp every night before bed.
Benefit #5: Removes Build-Up
One of the most powerful hair benefits is the ability to deep-clean your hair.
Build up from styling products can weigh your hair down, turning it limp and lifeless. Many salons sell expensive "deep-cleaning" shampoos and treatments, but you can make your own deep-cleaning treatment for pennies by harnessing the power of vinegar.
Simply add 1/2 cup of vinegar to a quart of water, and pour over your hair after you shampoo and condition.
Then, rinse it out to keep yourself from smelling like a pickle!
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Johnson, Cait (January 23, 2001). Apple Cider Vinegar: Kitchen Cupboard Beauty Tips.
Kellville, Kathy. Herbs for Health and Healing. New York:Berkeley Books, 1998. Retrieved from
Apple Cider Vinegar. National Psoriasis Foundation Message Boards: Complementary and Alternative Treatments.
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