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Making Oolong Tea In Action! September 18, 2007 |
Dear ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amazing-Green-Tea Newsletter 18 September 2007 Edition Issue #6: Making Oolong Tea - A Beginner's Guide~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Every medicine is the only medicine for a specific disease, but tea is the medicine for all causes,” Chen Zang, a famous Chinese pharmacist in Tang Dynasty (618 to 907 A.D.). "The subject is happiness, and I imagine a way of life - we sip tea and talk. These are my daydreams,” Moshe Dayan. - your insider's guide to magical teas from China. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Table of Content ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0. Announcements - Tea Sourcing - Count Down To Autumn Harvest Begin! - Site Development - Feedback Needed! - Discussion Board - Another Way To Speak To Me! 1. Tea Spotlight - Oolong Tea Processing - A Beginner's Guide 2. Tea News - Green Tea and Longevity 3. Tea Bits - Green Tea Caffeine - Seven Essential Pointers 4. Ask The Editor - Green Tea and Phase II Enzymes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --0.1-- Tea Sourcing - Count Down To Autumn Harvest Begin! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the summer passes away and winter looms near, you may fancy a darker tea. Oolong tea is ideal for this turning of the season. And the best time to buy one is mid October. Why? Because oolong tea can be harvested 4 times a year. The October harvest is widely regarded as the most fragrant. Avoid the temptation to buy earlier. Vendors frequently pass late summer tea as autumn tea. It is not worth it: Summer tea is the lowest quality. The exciting news is, after months of sampling, I will be pre-launching a Tieguanyin Wang (Iron Goddess King) in mid October! If it isn't the best of the best, I wouldn't bother. And I will invite you to try it out - at the Pre-Launch offer price plus our unique 100%-satisfaction-and-best-value guarantees! You really can't lose. The one-month count-down will begin now! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --0.2-- Site Development - Feedback Needed! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Amazing-Green-Tea site has got new clothes! I struggle when it comes to site design. The last few weeks have been a torture to come out with something that capture essential spirit of the site. If you have 3 second, why not click the link below and tell me what you think? Does the black background feel right? Does any element irritate you? Click Here To Check It Out! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --0.3-- Discussion Board - Another Way To Speak To Me! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Site is going interactive - slowly... Next time you have a question, why not post it to the discussion board? You can even create your own board, or submit your own article! Discussion Board ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --1-- Tea Spotlight - Oolong Tea Processing - A Beginner's Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you wonder what oolong tea is about, here is a GREAT guide to the art of oolong tea-making. Even you have only 30 seconds to spare, at least have a peek at the photos. Oolong Processing - A Beginner's Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --2-- Tea News - Green Tea and Longetivity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If green tea is so healthy, surely people who drink it would live longer? One of the largest population study ever conducted: 40,530 Japanese adults were questionaired for 11 years. Click below to read what they have to say. Green Tea and Longevity - The Japanese Secret To Long Life? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --3-- Tea Bits - Green Tea Caffeine - Seven Essential Pointers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Does caffeine bother you? Breathe. Breathe. Now smile. Do you feel relax? Drinking green tea can help you do just that! Green Tea Caffeine - Seven Essential Pointers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --4-- Ask The Editor - Green Tea and Phase II Enzymes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Naomi has kindly emailed me an interesting article below. Green tea rejuvenates. How? By encouraging the production of Phase II enzymes. According to Dr Treadwell, Phase II enzymes help our bodies detoxify. A study found that taking green tea supplement for 4 weeks increases glutathione S-transferase (GST), an important member of the detoxifying Phase II enzymes (there are over 200), by 20%. My only comments to the article is that 800 milligrams of green tea extract a day seems A LOT. But with a high quality loose green tea, you can put such concerns to rest. Read to see what Dr Treadwell says. Tea for II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you like this newsletter, please do me a big favor and forward it to a friend. We're a two-man operation and do not advertise. We intend to keep it this way so that we can pass on the savings to you. Having your supports will really help us do what we do best - finding the highest quality tea at the most affordable prices. If a friend forwarded this to you and if you like what you read, please sign up to this newsletter by visiting< Amazing-Green-Tea Newsletter You will receive a free copy of our recommended book Drinking Green Tea: Ten Frequently Asked Questions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you've recently tried a great tea or would like to suggest a tea, ping it on! If it's new to us, a secret prize awaits if we manage to source it successfully ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comments? Ideas? Feedback? Let me have it, right between the eyes! Ask me a question, and I'll try to cover it as soon as possible. Just reply to this newsletter and tell me what you think! Written by Julian Tai, BEng, MSc, FIA Copyright © 2007 by All rights reserved 65 Hazelhurst Crescent Horsham RH12 1XB United Kingdom |
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